Monday, July 30, 2012

Boot up: Olympics 2012's lost tweets, Microsoft's 'lost decade', and more

Boot up: Olympics 2012's lost tweets, Microsoft's 'lost decade', and more | Technology |

Plus Apple, Twitter, and the 'strategic discussions', and Microsoft's PR boss bites back

Twitter site crash 26/7/12

Twitter a disruptive force during Olympics 2012, according to organisers. Photograph: Cassandra Vinograd/AP

A quick burst of six links for you to chew over, as picked by the Technology team

Once upon a time, Microsoft dominated the tech industry; indeed, it was the wealthiest corporation in the world. But since 2000, as Apple, Google, and Facebook whizzed by, it has fallen flat in every arena it entered: e-books, music, search, social networking, etc., etc. Talking to former and current Microsoft executives, Kurt Eichenwald finds the fingers pointing at C.E.O. Steve Ballmer, Bill Gates's successor, as the man who led them astray.

Needless to say, he doesn't agree.

Good luck with this:

International Olympics Committee Communications director Mark Adams said: "From my understanding, One network was oversubscribed, and OBS are trying to spread the load to other providers. We don't want to stop people engaging in this by social media but perhaps they might consider only sending urgent updates."

An intriguing prospect. More to come on this.

People familiar with the matter said there are no current formal investment or acquisition discussions between the companies.

Most of the sites that Craigslist killed began as hobby projects, making little to no money -- just programmers trying to make a product they loved, better. Craigslist and its chief executive, Jim Buckmaster, did not return repeated requests for comment.

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